NECA’s Warrior Alien – Vicious Alien Attacker! Packaging

We’ve all known about this item for a long time but NECA have revealed the package art for  their latest Kenner tribute item as part of their Alien series 11 set. The polar ice blue ‘Warrior Alien -Vicious Alien Attacker!’  That’s exactly what the original Kenner figure was called when it was released 20 years ago.

I like Aliens and I like the color blue.  So I will probably be getting one of these sometime.  Once again, NECA have used their Kenner inspired logo on the packaging.  They did so on their series 10 Kenner tribute figure packaging for the Gorilla and Mantis Alien as well as the Queen facehugger set and it looks like it’s well applied to this series of tribute figures.

Here’s the original inspiration for this  ice cold Big Chap.

We’ve already seen Lambert in her compression suit  which will comprise part of this series and now we know what the packaging for their 2nd revealed figure is to be.

It’s a safe bet that this Kenner inspired piece will once again use a previous set of moulds we have seen multiple times since their Series 2 Big Chap has been released.  Nonetheless, this Big Blue Chap looks like a great interpretation of the older Kenner figure from 1996.

It always amused me that Kenner considered these figures to be suitable for children ‘AGES 4 & UP’ while NECA have clearly marketed their product at ‘AGES 17& UP’.

I don’t see any reason why an excited 4 year old can’t be given a bright blue Alien to play with.  Sounds OK to me.


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