NECA Figure I Need in my Life: Working Joe.

NECA gave us a great and unexpected set of figures in late 2015 with their ALIEN Series 6, ALIEN Isolation set. The set consisted of 2 versions of Amanda Ripley and the Alien, affectionately known as ‘Stompy’.  While each of the figures were variants of extant characters, I still feel it’s not too late for NECA to revisit the Property one more time and bring into production a Working Joe android figure.  Maybe a 2 pack featuring the standard Working Joe and the hooded version as a variant.
If NECA were to do so, I’d buy at least one – more than likely I’d buy 3 – of these. My reason being the character is ideally suited to action figure format for multiple reasons.  Each of which are immediately enticing to fans.

For a start, the android’s plastic face is a perfect likeness for such mass market treatment.  Rarely do lifelike human characters excel at being represented accurately in 7 inch format; but the Working Joe’s obviously synthetic countenance is perfect.  Especially the permanently fixed and unmoving features of the mannequin like eyes and mouth which are set into a neutral, unsympathetic gaze are as disconcerting as they are impersonal.  It’s ideal quality for an action figure.
More so, the androids are are mass produced by the manufacturer, Seegson; and every android, being a robot constructed on a production line, is exactly alike.  This allows for some genuinely creepy army building opportunities for any potential action figure based on the character.  I’m sure I wouldn’t be the only person to purchase multiple Working Joe androids.  A posse of Working Joes would be ideal subject for army building fans.
If such a figure was to be released, I can imagine the dioramas and miniature sets fans would ceate featuring them.  Multiple Working Joes on one side, Stompy on the other and Amanda Ripley hiding behind a desk or crate in the middle.  We’ve already seen Stompy and Amanda’s release and I’d genuinely love to see is Seegson’s faulty android hit toy shelves, too.
I’m sure I’m not alone in this little wish fulfillment dream.  I hope someone who reads this article has some connections with NECA and can tap someone influential on the shoulder and say “…pssst!  Hey!  We should produce an ALIEN Isolation androids themed series of figures.  Maybe, make both of the Working Joe variants – the standard ‘bald bastard’ android and the hooded engineering models. While we’re at it, we could add the Weyland Yutani synthetic, Samuels, to round it out to make a set of 3 figures.”
Yeah.  That would be neat.  I’d buy all three.
I know NECA have said in the past that “Human characters don’t sell.” but these guys aren’t ‘human’.  What’s more, the PROMETHEUS David 8 android figure has become so popular, it’s not only difficult to find, but also become quite valuable.  I’m confident  at least one ALIEN Isolation Working Joe android action figure would be immensely appreciated by fans and be a success.  After all, like David 8, the Working Joe has a reputation of being the ‘bad guy’ – and fans just love toys based on the evil doer.
Please, NECA.  As much as I love your great range of product based on the ALIEN licence, this is the one that I feel is sorely missing.

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