2013 – Wave 1 Black Card ReAction Figures.

Product line: ALIEN
Manufacturer: Super7 & FUNKO collaboration.
Number of figures in set: 5. Comprising of the Alien, Kane in compression suit, Dallas, Ripley and Ash.
Package: Packed individually with plastic blisters onto blue cards.
Inclusions: Various accessories/parts for each human(oid) character.
Released: 2013.
Price: US$14.95 each.

The complete set of black card ALIEN ReAction figures Wave 1 featured five characters and simultaneously gave the series a new identity while repeating content. The packaging being the sole difference to clearly distinguish them from the previously released San Diego Comic Con exclusive blue card release.

Contents were a duplication of five of the six characters already present in the previous blue card set, with one item missing. The sole absentee being the SDCC 2013 exclusive translucent “Smoke” Alien.

Unlike the earlier blue card items which were exclusively available to convention attendees who purchased the Early Bird Package/pre-order kit, the black carded Wave 1 series were available worldwide through a variety of outlets. Items comprising this set were made in such abundance they are still easily available today; and can be found selling for much less than original retail price on eBay and elsewhere.

Five figures comprise the set:

The Alien.

Kane in Compression Suit.
Includes helmet accessory.

Includes flamethrower accessory.

Includes flamethrower accessory.

Includes motion tracker accessory.

The flamethrower and motion tracker items that were included with Ripley, Dallas and Ash:

Additional notes:
– It was possible to purchase all five figures mounted on black cards online. Doing so, they were shipped to purchasers in a small sturdy, corrugated shipping case.
– Reverse sides of all black Wave 1 cards are exactly alike across the entire wave.
– Aside from the altered colour scheme from blue to black, the Wave 1 black cards are identical to the blue card items in all other details.

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