2014 – Deep Space Mystery Egg Figures.

Product line: ALIEN
Manufacturer: Super7 & FUNKO collaboration.
Number of figures in set: 8. Comprising: 2x Alien, 2x Ripley in compression suit, 2x Ripley in Nostromo crew attire and 2x Kane with chestburster.
Package: Packed individually into bags and then placed inside plastic eggs and bagged again.
Inclusions: Other than Ripley’s compression suit helmet, no accessories are present.
Released: 2014.
Price: US$25 at San Diego Comic Con  2014.

The Deep Space Mystery Eggs were the first of several blind box releases for the ALIEN ReAction figure line up. These were purchasable from the Super7 booth at Comic Con, 2014. Inside each 5 inch tall egg could be found one of eight random 3.75 inch figures.

Four characters are represented in the product line up, each in two distinct colorways. Two versions of Ripley, Kane and the Alien were all available either as clear translucent or dark translucent figures. The dark variant set, also known as the “midnight star” variant items, have silver glitter scattered throughout all four characters.

Super7 and Funko released these press details at the time of release. “From Deep Space comes a mysterious Alien Egg containing an unknown life form! Only by looking inside the hideously detailed egg can you find out what ReAction Figure lurks inside. Doubling as a blind box, each Alien egg contains an extremely limited, secret ReAction Figure. Hidden in these eggs are new sculpts and colors never before seen in the Alien universe. Once opened, the egg doubles as an action figure stand featuring a foot-peg to pose your ReAction Figure standing in the terrifying open mouth of the Alien Deep Space Egg! In space no one can hear you scream…”

Eight figures comprise the set. Each character is duplicated in both clear and midnight star variants:


Ripley in Compression Suit.
Includes helmet accessory for each variant. The helmets for both variants are the same, being clear.

Ripley in Nostromo Crew gear.

Kane with chestburster.

Deep Space Mystery Egg package
The egg package splits in half across the middle revealing a concealed figure inside sealed within a “ReAction” marked bag.

Additional notes:
– Since its release, the clear variant of the Alien has become rare and one of the more valuable and sought after items in the ALIEN ReAction figure product range, often more than doubling its initial 2014 price tag of US$25 when found on the secondary market today.
– One of only a few ALIEN ReAction product line items that does not display the ALIEN logo prominently on packaging.
– Invitation cards were handed out by Super7 for purchasers of the Mystery Eggs at the Super7 booth inviting them to trade any duplicate items with other fans on Friday night of the convention.
– The Mystery Eggs and ALIEN Play Set were also both featured along with other Super7 product line items on other promotional cards available at the convention in 2013.

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