Wave 4 ALIENS Figures.

Product line: ALIENS
Manufacturer: Super7.
Number of figures in set: 7. Comprising of 6 Aliens (1x ALIEN, 3x ALIENS, 1x ALIEN 3 and 1x ALIEN Resurrection creatures) and 1 Colonial Marine character (Hudson).
Package: Packed individually with plastic blisters onto cards.
Inclusions: Accessories only available for Hudson.
Released: April, 2021.
Price: US$18.

This set of seven figures was released on April 26, 2021. The release date coincides with the ALIEN Day celebrations of that year. Six Alien figures are included as the major part of this release. A new bluish metallic variant of the original Alien sculpt (dubbed the “platinum edition” by some fans) is accompanied by “gold”, “silver” and “bronze” variants of the xenomorphs from ALIENS. Also included in this release are both the Runner (Dog Alien) from ALIEN 3 and the Newborn from ALIEN Resurrection. Rounding out this release of seven items is a minor variant of the previously available colonial marine figure, Hudson.

The releases of the Dog Alien and the Newborn in this series marks the first time either of these characters have become available in ReAction figure format. To date, these creatures also remain the only characters (Alien, human or otherwise) based on either ALIEN 3 or ALIEN Resurrection to appear in this product line.

ALIEN, “Platinum Edition” Big Chap

ALIENS, Gold Xenomorph

ALIENS, Silver Xenormorph

ALIENS, Bronze Xenomorph

ALIEN 3, Runner (Dog Alien)

ALIEN Resurrection, Newborn

ALIENS, “Game Over!” Hudson

Additional notes:
– Each of the three metallic themed ALIENS Xenomorph variants are not exactly alike. They feature slightly different tail lengths or postures.
– The card back art for all the Alien creatures includes all six Alien figures but omits GAME OVER! Hudson.
– The significant difference between the GAME OVER! version of Hudson from the earlier 2020 release of the same character is the painted shocked expression on his face and the slightly lighter colored plastic it is cast in. All other details including sculpting, paintwork and accessories remain unchanged from the earlier release.
– The only other major difference this item possesses is the card it is mounted on. The card front art is a combination of Den Beauvais’ Dark Horse comic book cover art stenciled through “GAME OVER…!” text similar to Bill Gold’s concept poster art from 1978.
– The reverse side of the GAME OVER! Hudson figure references ALIENS figures from previous Waves 2&3 and is exactly alike in that series excepting a different bar code no.
– GAME OVER! Hudson does not appear on any card back figures throughout the entire ALIEN/ALIENS product range.

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