UNOFFICIAL – Bubblegum Cards.

DOWNLOAD: Complete set of PROMETHEUS Virtual Bubble Gum Cards.
DOWNLOAD: Complete set of ALIEN Isolation Virtual Bubble Gum Cards.

Let’s have some fun, shall we?  I’ve always been a big fan of collectible cards. I collected all kinds of cards as a boy.  Haven’t done so much as an adult.  On the other hand, there’s some areas of the ALIEN property that have never had cards made – by anybody.  So, this page will be dedicated to home crafted, fan made cards in lieu of anything that has been officially released.  Download the complete sets.  Print them out and place them in binders if you like.  Either way, enjoy these selections of bubble gum cards that won’t exist in any other way.

First up is PROMETHEUS.

Around October of 2019 I released a set of fan made bubble ‘gum cards’ featuring screen grabs of images from PROMETHEUS.  Bubble gum cards were a big feature in my life as a child.  It’s kind of disappointing that PROMETHEUS won’t see any official release in this capacity.  So here they are for you to download.  The complete set of 114 cards.  I also made a generic card back for this set so you can print out the entire set and it will have content on both sides.  Have fun with these.

Much like the older ALIEN Covenant cards I made in 2016, This set was a lot of fun to make.  I did sit and watch PROMETHEUS for about 6-7 hours during a weekend to capture these images and make the cards.  The version of PROMETHEUS used to generate images was the Fan Edit CHAOS Edition. Sometime, I would like to tackle ALIEN Covenant and give it a similar treatment.

DOWNLOAD: Complete set of PROMETHEUS Virtual Bubble Gum Cards.

2 years earlier in early-mid 2016, I set about to make a set of faux ALIEN: Isolation bubblegum cards.  They were inspired by original ALIEN movie bubblegum cards TOPPS released way back in 1979.

The design philosophy was simple.  I wanted to emulate the older cards and bring a retro theme to them. I retained the border concept and made the color styling consistent with the the blue boxes and packaging Kenner used for their ALIEN products of the day.  I felt going full retro on the border design needed to reflect that ideology in these cards.

I made a complete set of cards, 100 in total.  The cards themselves featured screenshots of the ALIEN: Isolation game including context relevant headings under each image.  Some of the text was serious – sometimes more tongue in cheek and others were outright jokes, including a few references such as ‘FACE OF THE SPACE JOCKEY’ which was a call back to an original 1979 TOPPS card sharing the same name, another called ‘THE LURKER IN THE DARK’ is inspired by HP Lovecraft. Of course there were some puns as well. ‘MARSHAL WAITS HAS A PLAN’ being one.

I made only the card faces without any backs and it took long enough to simply do that. In which case the Project while completed on one level, it was really only ever half finished.  I have no intention to go back and create those backs; but since making the cards I’ve often contemplated doing something similar again at some point in the future.

These things were a lot of fun to make. If I remember correctly, there’s a couple ‘bonus’ cards in there as well.  Have fun!

DOWNLOAD: Complete set of ALIEN Isolation Virtual Bubble Gum Cards.
