5 ALIEN Action Figures I Think NECA Should Make.

NECA will soon be releasing their 14th line up in their long running range of ALIEN action figures. This upcoming release will comprise of 3 characters from ALIEN Resurrection being Ripley 8, an Alien Clone Warrior and the Newborn. Once these items hit store shelves, all 8 ALIEN and AvP movies will be represented in one way or another in NECA’s popular 7 inch REEL TOYS format.

Now it’s time to consider filling in some gaps. So here is my personal list of Top 5 ALIEN characters I’d like to see released by NECA.

5. Ash from ALIEN.

While the character has made his appearance in action figure format in other toy lines, Super7 ReAction and TITANS for example, none of them actually are an accurate likeness of the android. Ian Holm would need to provide permission to do so. Even actors like Tom Skerritt, Yaphet Kotto, Veronica Cartwright, Harry Dean Stanton and of course Sigourney Weaver have had their visages grace card and packaging of figures by other manufacturers – at the very least.

Even Kane is represented in the NECA line up – even if his face is masked by an extraterrestrial creature of hostile intent. NECA really need to work on getting those rights for Ash appearance in 7 inch scale. Parker and Brett, too, for that matter. What a trio of ALIEN figures that set would be!

4. Sgt. Apone from ALIENS.

While it’s great to see NECA producing Kenner tribute items including an upcoming Sgt Apone, a screen accurate version of the cigar loving sergeant to go accompany the celebratory item is high on some want lists I know of. Then again, the same can be said for Drake. If NECA could land permissions to use these likenesses, fans would love it!
NECA have been kind enough to release Pte. Frost not too long ago and of course Vasquez as well; and Ripley is a staple character, too, in NECA’s popular format. It’s unfortunate that actors like Al Matthews who played Sgt. Apone have already passed away no doubt complicating efforts to acquire such permissions.

3. Predalien (Hybrid) from AvP-R.

NECA have already teased the possibility of re-releasing this character. It originally appeared as part of their AvP-R line up over 10 years ago but since then, it has become one of the most sought after and expensive NECA action figure items to buy on the secondary market. Reasons for its popularity are unfathomable at best. Not only is the figure based on what many consider to be the weakest movie in the entire ALIEN series but the figure itself was also one of the least provisioned in the way of articulation. It was well detailed, but movement for posing was severely restricted.

A new version from NECA would be very welcome in the 7 inch range. Hell, why not even consider a quarter scale Predalien Hybrid figure? No doubt sometime in the near future we’ll at least see a re-release with NECA’s significantly improved articulation. 7 inch or 1:4 scale. I’ll be happy with either.

2. Dog Alien from ALIEN 3 (in One Quarter Scale.)

Arguably, this character has been one of NECA’s best ALIEN action figures in their 7 inch range; and it’s a very popular one at that. The Dog Alien has been released no less than 5 times by NECA. Whenever I see the NECA Dog Alien discussed on forums or Facebook chats, it doesn’t take long before someone puts forward the desire for NECA to produce this figure in a larger 1:4 scale, similar in size to their already released ALIEN Big Chap(s) and ALIENS Warrior figures in this size.

The number of people I know who want a 16-22 inch NECA Dog Alien appears to be increasing. There’s definitely something very wrong if we don’t see some such release from NECA at some point in the future.

1. Working Joe from ALIEN Isolation.

These mass produced asshole androids from the ALIEN Isolation video game like to gang up on the Player and are candidates for the perfect action figure. No likeness rights would be required and their plastic mannequin like faces can be as emotionless as possible – it just makes them even better. They’d be absolutely perfect for ‘army building’ which means fans who enjoy such pursuits makes them highly desirable. I’d buy a 3 pack of Seegson Working Joes just for this purpose. There’s sooo many reasons why this character would make a fantastic transition from in game menace to action figure. It’s unique, too. There’s nothing else like the Working Joe released to date by NECA.

I’ve said it before, Working Joes are the ideal for NECA’s 7 inch treatment. Besides, out of their 90 plus ALIEN characters released to date, how many androids have NECA made? Two and a Half. One of David; and One and a Half of Bishop. Working Joe, please NECA. That’s my No.1 ALIEN action figure I’d like to see released from you.

Working Joe, you got that? Good.
