eBay – Pair of Kenner ALIENS for Sale.

A relatively common find in the wild, this pair of sub standard Kenner ALIEN toys are being sold as a pair on eBay. The seller is asking for US$400 for the pair but is of course willing to accept offers. Broken, missing parts, dirty and modified. It’s a lot to ask for a pair of beat up forty year old toys, incomplete at best.There are so many problems with these items, it’s not even worth listing them. Significantly, there aren’t enough parts between them to assemble a complete sample. You’d still be missing a right arm and the head dome. Though, disassembling them to build as complete a sample as possible is a viable option. However, for the cost of such an exercise, for US$400 you can purchase one in perfect condition and maybe score a box as well.

Items in this condition frequently sell between US$50 to US$120. This is definitely a “make an offer” situation but more than US$200 is still not advisable. At that price, you can easily purchase a complete item, which as stated above, isn’t even possible with this pair. Now at US$200 this purchase would be ideal, if you already have a figure(s) that could use spare parts from both of these dilapidated samples. You could then sell on the leftover pieces individually and get a substantial amount of your money back. If not all of it. Worth it if you need a left arm, a pair of tongue parts and a shoulder crest. Sell the rest for around US$20 each, and yeah. Then it’s totally worth it. Not at US$400, though.


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