eBay – Kenner ALIEN Head for Sale.

Loose Kenner ALIEN heads suitable for replacement parts have been popping up on eBay lately. Here’s another one listed for sale at US$49.95. Unlike a similar decapitated item that appeared on the service a week ago (see post below this one), this sample isn’t damaged at the neck and its stub is unbroken. On the other hand, this one has been custom painted with some fashionable green trim highlighting some of the hose details and other ribbed features along the sides of the head. It has also been given some lovely silver pupil details inside the eye orbits. Very pretty indeed. Why have I never thought of doing this? lol…This head is missing some critical features with parts such as the upper dome and both tongue halves being absent. The chrome finish on the teeth is chipped and worn. On the other hand, the mouth trigger still works and the jaw opens. That’s always welcome. The upper head surface paint is still present, if a little rough in places, but it will continue to serve its purpose, function as intended and glow in the dark. It’s an unusual green custom paint job, probably done on the toy four decades ago by a creative child wanting to further embellish the toy – or possibly done by some basement stoner, bored with life. I’ve heard enough such stories to know it’s well within the realm of possibility. It’s definitely an ideal piece if you want to further customise one of these old toys and this is a perfect sample to exercise further creativity if that is your inclination. There is absolutely nothing wrong with transforming degraded samples of these vintage toys into an Objet d’Art. Just don’t attempt to remove the 3rd party paint with chemicals – you’ll risk damaging and dissolving the features – and that kind of damage is significantly uglier result than the hand crafted highlights that have been applied to this piece. Worth US$50? You have to decide that for yourself. I know if I needed a head in this state (it still works!) I’d buy it. Maybe for no more than US$40, though.


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