2017 – SPACE VILLAIN Wave 1.

Product line: ALIEN
Manufacturer: Super7.
Number of figures in set: 3. Comprising: Blue/Blood Alien, Acid Green Alien and Gloss Black Alien.
Package: Packed individually into small boxes.
Inclusions: No.
Released: 2017.
Price: US$10.

The SPACE VILLAIN series of ALIEN ReAction figures have become an irregularly appearing series of blind box items, commencing with this set (A-1) consists of three figures. As these are blind box items, the concealed content of each box was unknown to the purchaser until it was opened. These individually boxed items were available either singly or in cases of 12 directly from Super7’s online store or other retailers.

The versions of the Alien represented in the product line up consist of: Blue/Blood, Acid Green, and Gloss Black. No accessories or additional items were included other than a plain, unmarked clear plastic bag each figure was packed inside, within each box.

Blue/Blood Alien.
Blue figure with red paint spatter effect. Includes translucent red dome.

Acid Green Alien.
Translucent green throughout, including the dome.

Gloss Black Alien.
Wholly black figure with opaque dome. No paint details but includes white tongue.

Additional notes:
– SPACE VILLAIN Series 1 (A-1) figures are more accurately the 2nd series of ALIEN ReAction figure items to be sold in a ‘blind box’ format, 2014’s Deep Space Mystery Eggs being the first. Nonetheless, SPACE VILLAIN ReAction figures are the first blind box series released by Super7 after severing their ReAction figure collaboration with Funko.
– The design of the box packaging mimics Japanese Popy Empire Strikes Back blind box product line of the 1980s.
– This set of figures were also purchasable in cases of twelve boxed units per case. Distribution numbers of figures present in each case were exactly alike with each case containing:
2/12 – Blue/Blood.
4/12 – Acid Green.
6/12 – Gloss Black.

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