eBay – Pair of Banged up Kenner ALIENS for Sale.

UPDATE: Both sold.  (Left): US$232.50. (Right): US$100.

Available right now on eBay is a pair of Kenner ALIEN toys, listed a minute apart from each other and closing in just under 7 days.  Neither of them are in particularly good shape but the damaged and missing parts from one figure could easily be used to fix the other.

Cannibalising both figures to create a single Kenner ALIEN toy is a viable way to add a decent one to your collection.  They are relatively easy to dismantle and there’s enough good parts between these 2 samples to do so.  The only catch is both items are being sold by different vendors.

The item on the Left possesses the dome and both legs but the head and torso halves are damaged.  The item on the Right has a decent head (It’s hard to tell exactly, as only a single photo accompanies the listing.) but the torso looks good plus the tail remains attached.

This pair would make an ideal reconstruction project by combining pieces from both to construct a single figure.  It still won’t be a perfect item as the dome is damaged but both figures can still be used to create a single display worthy piece.  Such a practice will also leave a pile of left overs – and some of these redundant pieces will be valuable.  A head and pair of torso halves and at least one leg are all damaged but can still be sold on eBay.  Say, US$10 each or more. Significantly, the pair of left over hands and tail are highly sought after items.  Those popular loose pieces sell for around US$25 apiece. So, around US$75 for those 3 parts alone.  That’s a good rebate on the purchase of both figures on eBay.

As to how much these incomplete and damaged items will actually sell for?  They’re both up for auction on the service and multiple bids have already been made. The figure with the (damaged) dome and crest on its back will easily sell for well over US$100 as these loose pieces alone can fetch US$60 or more in any condition.  So possibly closer to US$200.  The other item, not so much.  It’s all highly dependent upon the interest generated and what people are prepared to spend on these incomplete 40 year old ugly ass broken down toys.


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