Book Mailers. Exciting Stuff!

Actually, no. Book mailers are not all that exciting. What is exciting, however, is the prospect of sending out copies of HIDEOUS PLASTIC – In stores everyone can hear you scream safely packaged to customers around the world very soon. Anyway, a delivery of these things was dropped off on my driveway just the other day and here’s what pallet of  super sexy book mailers looks like. Okay, so they’re not that sexy, either; but this mundane pile of packaging is actually very important. Essential, even. Copies of the book will be sent across the globe to people in the US, Europe, UK and even closer to home, in Australia and New Zealand. Elsewhere, too, if you want one. Either way, these mailers will need to cover a lot of territory which they must do so safely and securely. To do so, the packaging must be capable of withstanding long distances and potentially rough handling. Being robust and protective of the contents is mandatory. These mailer items will do the job perfectly. This will ensure customers receive their copies in immaculate condition.

I’m taking his is my opportunity to show off how you can expect a copy of your book to arrive. Inside one of these things. These mailers are specifically designed for sending books. They are easy to use, easy for recipients to open and designed to withstand the rigors of transit. They are simple, strong, durable and will take a beating while the contents remain perfectly safe inside.

While the mailers themselves may not be super sexy and exciting; at least having customers know that copies sent to them will be as safe and secure as possible certainly is. After all, fresh minty goodness is what I would expect if I was on the receiving end of such goods. You can expect to have that expectation reciprocated when a copy of this book arrives on your doorstep.

There’s still some work ahead of me but this book will be publicly available soon.


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