eBay – Kenner ALIEN Dorsal Crest for Sale.

UPDATE: Sold for US$56 (4 bids.) for a generally lower than usual price.

Here’s another Kenner ALIEN body part for sale on eBay. It’s a piece from the figure’s back and bidding starts at US$49.99. How long will it take for someone to bid on this used piece of old plastic? Well, someone already has. One of these things hasn’t appeared on the service for a month or so, now. So how much will this loose item sell for? It’s hard to say except these pieces are in high demand. Today, many samples of the vintage toy are missing this particular piece and people will throw money at them. As to how much cash someone will spend in the middle of a world wide health crisis accompanied by global economic downturn? Now, that’s an interesting question. Regardless, this forty year old piece of plastic will most likely sell for upwards of US$80. Considering it’s basically already sold at this point, that figure may even be a conservative estimate. It was up until recently.


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