VIDEO REVIEW: Eaglemoss Neomorph Figure.

It’s time for a video review from Baptiste Coudert.   Everyone’s favourite Frenchman in the ALIEN Collector community.  This time around he’s unboxing and giving us the low down on the recently released Eaglemoss’ iteration of that dastardly rascal, the Planet 4 Neomorph.

Once again, Baptiste shares with us his opinion and provides a comprehensive insight into the figure and the package.

Thank you, Baptiste.  As usual, a short and concise no nonsense appraisal of the subject being assessed.   Very welcome.


VIDEO REVIEW: Eaglemoss’ Prometheus Trilobite.

2 video reviews in one day by Baptiste Coudert is a treat!  Here he is once again with another Eaglemoss video review.  Celebration time, I say!  This time, he’s tackling the giant ancestor of all things that enjoy face raping their victims, the joy and wonder that is the PROMETHEUS trilobite.  Check it out.

I have always enjoyed Baptiste’s video reviews and can’t wait for the next item from the Frenchman with the hairy arms.  OK, maybe they’re not that hairy… ah, just go watch the video, alright?

Thanks once again, Baptiste.  Another great insight.  This time he’s taking a peek at Eaglemoss version of this oversized and unsightly, tentacled thing.


VIDEO REVIEW: Eaglemoss’ Amanda Ripley.

My favourite French Facebook friend, Baptiste Coudert, has released a new video review for you to enjoy.  This time he takes a peek into Eaglemoss’ figurine release of Amanda Ripley, the main character whose shoes you fill in the video game, ALIEN Isolation.

I love ALIEN Isolation.  For a video game, it succeeded in ways movies just can’t.  Scary movies are one thing, but I can chomp ’em down without so much as a tremor coz I’m so Manly.

Now, this ALIEN Isolation game, thingy?  That’s a different story.  The interactive Creative Assembly title had me squealing and whimpering like the pathetic little Girly Man I really am.  Yep.  I’m scared of a video game.  Shameful, I know, but true.  Love Amanda Ripley and Eaglemoss treatment of her looks sweet.   Thank you, Baptiste.


Video Review – Super7 Bind Box SPACE VILLAIN Wave 2

Baptiste Coudert has uploaded his latest video review.  This time around he provides us with an insight into the recently released Super7’s 2nd helping of Blind Box SPACE VILLAIN ALIEN ReAction figures.

As usual, Baptiste delivers a detailed, concise and informative appraisal.  As for the 4 new new 3.75 inch ALIEN ReAction figures?  I think he likes them.  A lot.  Personally, from what I’ve seen of these figures to date, I have to agree with him.  They all look terrific!   Thanks for this review, Baptiste.


Video Review: 2017 Eaglemoss Parker and Queen Alien.

Let’s check out some reviews of cool new stuff from Eaglemoss!  Occasionally I like to feature other people’s work on the site and today we have Baptiste Coudert reviewing the Eaglemoss Hero Collector ALIEN Parker figure on YouTube:

This item does look neat and it’s great seeing these otherwise under represented characters like Parker given this kind of treatment.  …but wait, there’s more! Baptiste has Continue reading

PRJ since1990 Reviews NECA ALIENS Creature Pack.

I meant to add this item a couple weeks back, but it’s been a busy time in my life, what with KickStarter taking up a lot of my efforts, messing with Super7’s latest ALIENS action figure and real life stuff in general.  PRJ since1990 offers us his unboxing video for the NECA’s recently released ALIENS Creature Pack.

Duration: 10:59

Let’s find out what he thinks of it.  More importantly, let’s see if he has finally overcome his aversion to twist ties – or whether he still needs more therapy.  As always, it’s a great and informative video.

Don’t forget to like and share.  PRJ deserves all the attention he can get.


Reviewed: NECA Series 9 Frost and Vasquez.

I am always interested in seeing what other people think of anything to do with ALIEN action figures (old and new).  Here’s another unboxing and review by PRJ_since1990.  As always, PRJ delivers the goods with a great unboxing and video review.  Are these action figures worth watching a grown man ‘flip a table’?  Watch the review and find out!

Duration 16:36

Entertaining, informative and spiced up with good humor, PRJ_since1990 deserves more recognition for his efforts.  Don’t forget to like, subscribe and enjoy his endless crusade against the evils of twist ties.  This never gets old.


Let’s go See Some More of that PRJ since1990 Goodness.

Here’s PRJ since1990’s backlog of unboxing and review videos.  He knows I like his stuff and you should, too.  First up is is his older unpackaging and appreciation of NECA’s ALIEN series 7 transparent prototype figure.  Watch PRJ since1990 become hopelessly intoxicated on that wonderful ‘new toy smell.’  Yeah.  It’s a great figure. I have this one, too.

Duration: 8:31

PRJ since1990 will be continuing to create unboxing videos and I’ll be posting about Continue reading

Video Unboxing and Review: ‘Rescuing Newt’ Deluxe Set.

Fellow ALIEN action figure enthusiast, PRJ since 1990, gives us his latest unboxing and review video.  This time he examines NECA’s recently released mass market edition of Ripley and Newt 2 pack ‘Rescuing Newt’, deluxe set.  I love his enthusiastic yet matter of fact presentation; plus his videos are always infused with good humor and insightful commentary.  Entertaining, informative and absolutely worthwhile.

Watch as PRJ since 1990 frees Ripley and Newt from the restrictive confines of plastic and light card while he confronts and grapples once again with  his Arch Nemesis, plastic coated wire twist ties:

Duration: 17:09

PRJ has been regularly releasing videos of such good content.  I recommend you check ’em out.  Don’t forget to subscribe!  …and Like, too.  Not only will it make him happy, but you’ll be kept up to date with his latest unboxings and videos – along with his constant and never ending battle against the evils of twist ties.
