REVIEWED: Diamond Select ALIEN MiniMate Tribute Figure.

What’s only 3 inches tall and still wants to rip your face off?  Diamond Select Toy’s 2015 diminutive tribute to Kenner’s original ALIEN action figure.  That’s what; and you can read all about this sweet little darling cutie pie right now in this review.

Awwww… isn’t he so cute?  It’s enough to make you want to see him go and chew a kitten’s face off.


Older Reviews Ported Over to their New Home.

As part of my current restructuring and plan for forward movement along with using this site as my base of operations for all things hideous and plastic, I’m slowly upgrading and adding content to the site.  Today I completed the porting of a bunch of older reviews over to  I wrote them.  They belong here.  Now they’re home.

Links to these items already existed on this site but the content was previously hosted on AvP Galaxy.  The content is now residing here under a single umbrella with all my other Continue reading

REVIEWED: Hiya Toys Colonial Marines Xenomorph Boiler.

It’s time for me to move on and leave KickStarter behind.  I’ve got quite the workload of restructuring ahead of me and one of my big priorities is to keep traffic flowing through this site.  I can’t think of anything better than posting a review of some weird thing I have lying around.

Anything will do at this stage.  Even a review of an action figure from a 4 year old video game that almost everyone hated.  So here it is.  My examination of Hiya Toys 1:18 scale Colonial Marines Xenomorph Boiler action figure.  The game was shit.  Is this ugly little runt more of the same – or is it worth picking up 4 years later?  Find out in this review.


COMPARED: Kenner & Super7

The recently released Super7 ‘1986 Classic Toy Edition’ ALIENS action figure is very cool.  It’s basically a reissue of the the older vintage Kenner toy and that alone makes it very welcome.  How does the older figure compare to the new one?

Let’s find out, shall we?  In this article we will explore exactly just that.  Here for your personal pleasure, perverted purpose or plain posterity is an article exploring these figures side by side.


Reviewed: NECA’s David 8 Action Figure.

ALIEN: Covenant is coming.  Let’s not forget it’s a sequel of sorts to PROMETHEUS.  We’ll be seeing the return of the late Mr. Weyland’s Pride and Joy – the android David 8.

NECA released a version of the character in their popular 7 inch action figure format some time back as part of their PROMETHEUS Series 2 line up.  David 8 was a mighty cool character; but does the action figure live up to those standards?  You can read the review right here. 


Reviewed: NECA Thermal Vision Warrior Alien.

In my continuing efforts to transform this website into a NECA fan boy festival, here is my latest review.  It’s the glow in the dark Alien from 2004 ALIENS vs PREDATOR.  It’s basically a 3D action figure emulation of the Predator’s vision mode.

It is cool.  I do like it.  Read more about my thoughts on this special St Patrick’s Day celebration Alien.  Don’t forget to bring the beer.


Reviewed: NECA’s 2012 Deacon Figure.

Quite possibly the least understood of all the creatures within the ALIEN Universe to date, the Deacon still manages to be represented with its very own action figure.  NECA, as usual, do their best to deliver a 7 inch tall effigy to appease us fans who’re always hungering for more.

Does this cosmic goblin shark have real teeth?  Or is it more like Bruce the shark from JAWS, and his mouth is just full of rubber pegs..? Let’s take a look and find out in the review.
